
Jangan lupa klik iklan dibawah ini 1 x aja ya sob. Thankx.
Klik Iklan Dulu Gan


....... Selamat datang lagi di gubug sederhana ini, untuk trik kali ini tentang cara mendownload file ekstensi *.jar menggunakan OM 4,2. Bagi kalian yang suka gretongans pasti pantang untuk inet berbayar apalagi saat mendownload file *.jar pasti akan terlempar ke browser hp yang tentunya menyedot pulsa ( pengalaman pribadi , Wkwkwk....... ).

Berikut ada 3 cara agar tidak terlempar ke web hp :

Cara 1 :
Jika kalian download file/aplikasi ekstensi *.jar pasti cuma ada pilihan ' OPEN ' , nah gunakanlah fitur Direct Download pada opmin 4,2 labs handlerUI jika ingin mendownloadnya. Caranya tekan MENU --> TOOL --> DIRECT DOWNLOAD .

Cara ini bisa dibilang fifty-fifty , kadang berhasil kadang kagak. Kalau belum punya opmin labs silahkan kamu download di Aplikasi Handler .

Cara 2 :
Untuk cara kedua yaitu merubah ekstensinya pada link download, ya udah simak ya :
- Misal kalian ingin download file *.jar di , pada saat keluar pilihan ' OPEN ' kamu liat urlnya di address bar .
- Kemudian Cari kata jar dan mengubahnya menjadi zip, mp3, atau 3gp . Contoh:
menjadi terus klik Go to.
- Setelah itu muncul pilihan ' SAVE ' dan ' OPEN ' kamu pilih yang save dan download pun mulai tanpa terlempar ke web hp.
- Setelah didownload jangan lupa untuk rename lagi dari opera mini 42 handler menjadi opera mini 42 handler mod.jar menggunakan Blue ftp atau sejenisnya.

Nb: cara ini paling ampuh digunakan saat mendownload jar disitus :

Cara 3 :
Yaitu mencopy link downloadnya ke situs dan . Berikut caranya :
- Misal kalian ingin download file ekstensi *.jar di wap ku ini . Copy link downloadnya .
- Kemudian masuk ke situs atau .
- Paste link downloadnya pada kolom yang disediakan .
- Setelah itu muncul link downloadnya dan klik .
- Terus pilih yang 'SAVE' dan download pun dimulai.
- Jangan lupa sebelum diinstall rename terlebih dahulu menjadi ekstensinya *.jar menggunakan blue ftp atau X-plore .

Nb : cara ini hampir bisa dilakukan disemua situs.
- dan lain lain .

Jika masih aja tidak bisa donlot jar , kamu periksakan hapemu ke Bu dokter yua.......

[red] 1 [/red] [color=red] 2 [/color]

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[2018-09-08 04:49] Shana Marley:

I discovered your 3 CARA DOWNLOAD FILE *.JAR - page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. We can send you targeted traffic and we let you try it for free. Get over 1,000 targeted visitors per day to your website. Check it out here: Unsubscribe here:
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[2018-08-15 06:52] Targeted website visitors:

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Targeted website visitors

[2018-08-01 06:01] Targeted website visitors:

I came to your 3 CARA DOWNLOAD FILE *.JAR - page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. We can send you targeted traffic and we let you try it for free. Get over 1,000 targeted visitors per day to your website. Check it out here: Unsubscribe here:
Targeted website visitors

[2018-04-24 01:34] Kerry Beck:

I came across your 3 CARA DOWNLOAD FILE *.JAR - website and wanted to let you know that we have decided to open our POWERFUL and PRIVATE web traffic system to the public for a limited time! You can sign up for our targeted traffic network with a free trial as we make this offer available again. If you need targeted traffic that is interested in your subject matter or products start your free trial today: Unsubscribe here:

[2018-03-14 17:14] Ramona Jordan:

I came across your 3 CARA DOWNLOAD FILE *.JAR - website and wanted to let you know that we have decided to open our POWERFUL and PRIVATE web traffic system to the public for a limited time! You can sign up for our targeted traffic network with a free trial as we make this offer available again. If you need targeted traffic that is interested in your subject matter or products start your free trial today: Unsubscribe here:

[2018-03-08 04:11] Ramona Jordan:

I came to your 3 CARA DOWNLOAD FILE *.JAR - page and noticed you could have a lot more traffic. I have found that the key to running a website is making sure the visitors you are getting are interested in your subject matter. We can send you targeted traffic and we let you try it for free. Get over 1,000 targeted visitors per day to your website. Start your free trial: Unsubscribe here:

[2012-12-27 08:14] agunx bae lakh:

gw bingung pas di copy link download dan masuk ke 4shared dll
pasteny di mna ya?
gw bingung

[2011-07-05 11:20] Arif:

[color=red] ga bs gan [/color]

[2011-06-27 16:02] gembel:

tetep g bsa bos yg copy paste url,yg 4shared bsa

[2011-12-24 01:36] adan:

gan kalau oM 6.1 bsa eng dngan cra yg diatas td,

[2011-06-24 02:47] 1210:


[2011-06-22 13:55] imon:

gan 5320 xpress ga bs bk file .sis uda dnwld xplore .sis tp ga bs dgunakan gmn solusina tqb4

[2011-06-22 13:33] Papipupepo:

Gan bagii Link buat donLot bLue ftp dong tp yg pormatnya jar. . .yg bisa d.donlot lngsng Lwt hape :)

[2011-06-19 13:36] Fajar:

Visit gan ke

[2011-06-17 07:41] oezman:

bos koq aku gg bsa download d
pdhal udah aku copy linknya ke
kalo dari 4shared sih udh bsa...

[2011-06-16 19:47] *.Jar:

saya udh bisa gan pake cara ini . .
Hp saya polll ama apps , wkwkwk :D

[2011-06-11 03:11] Admin:

Maaf gan, lm g dibalas ,

@Sabri, udah direname, mgkn filenya rusak gan .

@Surya, silahkan masbro ....... ^_^

@P'cuzzt, Menu -> Rename Item .

[2011-06-08 13:54] sabri:

hp ane nokia 6600 boz...bisa donload tapi gk bisa dibuka..

[2011-06-08 10:52] surya :

qw rada mumet.. maklum gak exsis/nguplek hp tapi nyimak ja dah...

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